We are pleased to announce that the deadline for the call for the development of innovative performance art works “Earth Stations” has been extended to Thursday, September 30, 2021, due to high interest!
“Earth Stations” is a hybrid pilot project involving Shadow Casters in collaboration with FRU – Faculty of things that can’t be learned (Skopje, North Macedonia) and Domino Association (Zagreb, Republic of Croatia).
We invite performance artists, scientists, intermedia artists, and artistic groups to propose any type of performance ideas in their initial or later stages that they would like to develop. These ideas will be developed together with a team of international theater professionals, producers, and educators, assembled to help them explore their artistic, performative, and production visions from multiple perspectives.
While it is recommended to have a producer and/or another member of the creative team for the development of the idea, it is not mandatory; you can submit your performance idea independently.
The final selection of a total of 5 projects will be announced on October 8 on the Shadow Casters website.
For more information about the call, the “Earth Stations” process, application conditions, and final selection, please visit this [link].
We encourage you to take this opportunity and apply as soon as possible,
Shadow Casters
Donors of “Earth Stations” and Shadow Casters Association: City of Zagreb – City Office for Culture, Kultura Nova Foundation, National Foundation for Civil Society Development