Wall Displays / Zagreb Parafernalie

Written by on 2017-02-10

The Wall Displays (WD) project began in 2006. as a direct communication channel of the long-term urban research project Re-collecting Cities / Re-collecting Time. Its focus is on juxtapositions of urban narratives in the XXth century, originally concentrated on Zagreb, but later encompassing other cities in the region and the EU.
The intention of the Re-collecting Cities / Re-collecting Time project was to re-think and preserve tangible and intangible urban heritage in the EU.

From 2010. on, Wall Displays have outgrown into a separate and complex project on urban hyper-textuality – Zagreb Parafernalie.
The Wall Displays editions are now exposed in eight wall displays of the ex-cinema venue of the Croatian Cinematheque located in downtown Zagreb.
Each year, the jury of experts selects up to five editions (eight content-wise; connected and designed art works for eight displays), created/ proposed by numerous authors and authors’ teams from all over the world.
Proposed/ selected projects/ editions can be both a research process or the result of an already finished research process or an elaborate art concept.

Wall Displays are a visible part of the Shadow Casters constant research and reflection on the city, public and private space, urbanity, co-existence and identity.

(Hrvatski) Koncept i kordinacija projekta: Boris Bakal

Uredništvo (2013- ): Boris Bakal, Mare Šuljak, Sandra Uskoković

Glavni urednici: Boris Bakal (2006.-2011.), Bojan Mucko (2011.-2013.)

Urednici, autori i suradnici prijašnjih edicija ZN: Barbara Blasin, Boris Bakal, Maja Blažek, Nikolina Butorac, Roko Crnić, Nikolas Defteros, Darko Fritz, Josip Horvat, Ana Janjatović Zorica, Maja Genc Kalogera, Mihael Giba, Igor Grubić, Srećko Horvat, Miran Jurić, Dalibor Kiseljak, Iva Kovač, Igor Kuduz, Maria Kyriakou, Sonja Leboš, Bojan Mucko, Goran Novaković, Neven Petrović, Katarina Pejović, Tea Plepelić, Srećko Pulig, Željko Serdarević, Nives Sertić, Marita Stanić, Emma Szabo, Mare Šuljak, Vesna Vuković, Vanja Žanko, Milan Žerjav.

Podrška projektu: Ured za obrazovanje, kulturu i sport grada Zagreba, te Ministarstvo kulture Republike Hrvatske.

Prijašnje podrške projektu: Europska kulturna fondacija, Erste Banka

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