Written by on 2020-11-14

“Smarter City” is a multi-year project, initiative and public event (conferences, workshops, film screenings, exhibitions) produced and organised by Shadow Casters and associated partners (Urania, Cinematheque, DAZ, Oris – House of Architecture, FRU, Supervizuelna, Greta Gallery, Wall Displays Project) whose goal is to explore the various possibilities of the city’s resources with participatory and collective energy of togetherness and exchange, and to compare and oppose opinions on what today, in a situation of complete social impoverishment, media saturation and lack of social planning, can make the city smarter, more beautiful for life, more useful for all citizens.

Program Smarter City 2017
Program Smarter City 2020
Program of the International Symposium “Modern Heritage’ Futures: Between Conservation and Innovation”

Autori koncepta/Concept Authors: Sandra Uskoković i Boris Bakal

Voditelj projekta/Project Leadership: Boris Bakal

Suradnici projekta/Collaboratours: Marija Georgiev, Hana Juranović, Zvonimir Bešlić

Izlagači/Lecturers, autori izložbi i filmova/exhibition and film authors te gosti projekta/and other guests (2017, 2020): Aleksa Đurić, Aziza Chaouni, Dejan Ivanovski, Dejan Todorović, Filip Jovanovski, Gunny Harboe, Ivana Vaseva, Kyle Normandin, Leo Vukelić, Lauren Levine, Marina Smokvina, Marko Ambroš, Mojca Smode Cvitanović, Natalija Bogdanović, Riitta Selassie, Mirjana Stojadinović, Ruben Arevshatyan, Saša Tkačenko, Sheridan Bourke

PR projekta: Hana Juranović, Boris Bakal

Administratorica projekta: Nela Katić Novačić

Design projekta: Mare Šuljak

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