(Hrvatski) Životopisi predavača / (English) Biographies of the Lecturers (down bellow):
Sandra Uskoković je povjesničarka umjetnosti, predavač, pisac i kritičar. Nakon završenog magisterija na George Washington University (USA), doktorirala je na Sveučilištu Zagreb. Autorica je nekoliko knjiga i oko 50 stručno-znanstvenih članaka na temu arhitekture, baštine, teorije umjetnosti i performativnih umjetničkih praksi. Stipendistica je ICCROM-a (RIm) i UNESCO-a (2003/2004). Dobitnica je međunarodnih nagrada iz umjetnosti: Samuel H.Kress Foundation (NY), Getty Trust, The Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts (Chicago). Izvanredni je profesor na Sveučilištu Dubrovnik, Odjel za umjetnost.
Predavala je na brojnim međunarodnim univerzitetima (Helsinki, Copenhagen, Manchester, Bangkok, Montreal, New York, Tokyo, Singapore) te simpozijima. Ekspertna je članica ICOMOS-ovog odbora za modernu baštinu, međunarodnog odbora College of Art Association, međunarodne platforme za kritičko promišljanje baštine (ACHS), Društva povjesničara umjetnosti Hrvatske, te udruge "Bacači Sjenki". Njena posljednja knjiga zove se “Anamnesis – dijalozi umjetnosti u javnim prostorima”, u izdanju UPI2M Books.
Boris Bakal je kazališni/filmski redatelj, glumac, producent, intermedijalni umjetnik, interdisciplinarni javni povjesničar, aktivist i pedagog. Tijekom više od 40 godina karijere stvara kazališne i filmske projekte, predstave, multimedijalne instalacije te pokreće kulturno-socijalno-političke inicijative koje su predstavili i/ili producirali festivali, manifestacije i skupovi u više od 20 zemalja svijeta (između ostalih: Bologna Kulturna prestolnica Europe 2000., Dubrovačke ljetne igre, Praški Quadrienale, Bollwerk Belluard International/Fribourg, Eurokaz/Zagreb, BITEF/Beograd, MESS/Sarajevo, Borštnikovo srečanje/Maribor, Akcent/Prag i INTERFERENCIJE/Cluj, Akademie der Kunste der Welt/Koeln te mnogi drugi) .
Piše, predaje i objavljivljuje tekstove o društvenim prilikama, umjetnosti i kulturnim politikama u zbornicima, časopisima i dnevnicima u Italiji, Hrvatskoj, Njemačkoj, Srbiji, Belgiji, USA, UK i Nizozemskoj. Kao gostujući predavač izlagao i vodio radionice na više univerziteta (ADU/FF/ALU Zagreb, New York, Columbia/NY, Perugia, SACi-Firenca, Leiden, Exeter, Kent, Bangkok, Prague, Helsinki, Kopenhagen, itd.) te na brojnim simpozijima, konferencijama i tribinama.
On je također suosnivač umjetničkih i aktivističkih platformi poput Bacača Sjenki, Orchestra Stolpnik, Letećeg sveučilišta, Antiratne Kampanje Hrvatske te Saveza Operacija Grad. Bacači Sjenki (umjetnička organizacija od 2002, te udruga od 2006) koje vodi od 2001. osvojila su i dobila brojna domaća i međunarodna priznanja i nagrade.
Marko Sančanin, dipl. ing. arh. (Zagreb, 1975.) studirao je političke znanosti i arhitekturu, a diplomirao Arhitekturu na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Godine 2000. godine su-osniva Platformu 9,81 i – neprofitnu organizacije koja je istraživala prostorne posljedice kulturne, ekonomske i političke tranzicije i bavila različitim oblicima arhitektonskog i urbano - kulturnog aktivizma. Koautor je brojnih publikacija, tekstova te autor brojnih radijskih emisija na Hrvatskom radiju i kolumni na T-portalu na temu arhitekture, prostornog razvoja i kulture. Od 2012. djeluje kao free-lance arhitekt, umjetnik, kritičar kulture i arhitekture te autor i suradnik na projektima u polju kulture.
Biographies of the Lecturers:
Sandra Uskoković is an art historian, lecturer, writer, and critic. After earning her master’s degree from George Washington University (USA), she completed her PhD at the University of Zagreb. She is the author of several books and about 50 professional and scientific articles on topics such as architecture, heritage, art theory, and performative artistic practices. She has been a grantee of ICCROM (Rome) and UNESCO (2003/2004). She has received international art awards from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation (NY), Getty Trust, and The Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts (Chicago). She is an associate professor at the University of Dubrovnik, Department of Art.
She has lectured at numerous international universities (Helsinki, Copenhagen, Manchester, Bangkok, Montreal, New York, Tokyo, Singapore) and symposiums. She is an expert member of ICOMOS’s committee for modern heritage, the international committee of the College of Art Association, the international platform for critical heritage studies (ACHS), the Croatian Art Historians Society, and the “Shadow Casters” association. Her latest book is titled "Anamnesis – Dialogues of Art in Public Spaces," published by UPI2M Books.
Boris Bakal is a theatre/film director, actor, producer, intermedia artist, interdisciplinary public historian, activist, and educator. Over his 40-year career, he has created theatre and film projects, performances, multimedia installations, and initiated cultural-social-political initiatives that have been presented and/or produced at festivals, events, and gatherings in more than 20 countries (including: Bologna European Capital of Culture 2000, Dubrovnik Summer Festival, Prague Quadrennial, Bollwerk Belluard International/Fribourg, Eurokaz/Zagreb, BITEF/Belgrade, MESS/Sarajevo, Borštnikovo Srečanje/Maribor, Akcent/Prague, and INTERFERENCES/Cluj, Akademie der Kunste der Welt/Cologne, among others).
He writes, lectures, and publishes texts about social conditions, art, and cultural policies in anthologies, magazines, and daily newspapers in Italy, Croatia, Germany, Serbia, Belgium, USA, UK, and the Netherlands. As a guest lecturer, he has given lectures and conducted workshops at various universities (ADU/FF/ALU Zagreb, New York, Columbia/NY, Perugia, SACi-Florence, Leiden, Exeter, Kent, Bangkok, Prague, Helsinki, Copenhagen, etc.) as well as at numerous symposiums, conferences, and forums. He is also a co-founder of artistic and activist platforms such as Shadow Casters, Orchestra Stolpnik, the Flying University, the Croatian Anti-War Campaign, and the Operation City Alliance. Shadow Casters (an artistic organization since 2002, and an association since 2006), which he has led since 2001, has received numerous domestic and international awards and recognitions.
Marko Sančanin, , M.Arch. (Zagreb, 1975) studied political science and architecture, graduating from the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb. In 2000, he co-founded Platform 9,81, a non-profit organization that researched the spatial consequences of cultural, economic, and political transitions, and engaged in various forms of architectural and urban-cultural activism. He is a co-author of numerous publications, texts, and the author of many radio programs on Croatian Radio and columns on T-portal on topics of architecture, spatial development, and culture.
Since 2012, he has been working as a freelance architect, artist, cultural and architectural critic, and as an author and collaborator on projects in the field of culture.
Sandra Uskoković je povjesničarka umjetnosti, predavač, pisac i kritičar. Nakon završenog magisterija na George Washington University (USA), doktorirala je na Sveučilištu Zagreb. Autorica je nekoliko knjiga i oko 50 stručno-znanstvenih članaka na temu arhitekture, baštine, teorije umjetnosti i performativnih umjetničkih praksi. Stipendistica je ICCROM-a (RIm) i UNESCO-a (2003/2004). Dobitnica je međunarodnih nagrada iz umjetnosti: Samuel H.Kress Foundation (NY), Getty Trust, The Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts (Chicago). Izvanredni je profesor na Sveučilištu Dubrovnik, Odjel za umjetnost.
Predavala je na brojnim međunarodnim univerzitetima (Helsinki, Copenhagen, Manchester, Bangkok, Montreal, New York, Tokyo, Singapore) te simpozijima. Ekspertna je članica ICOMOS-ovog odbora za modernu baštinu, međunarodnog odbora College of Art Association, međunarodne platforme za kritičko promišljanje baštine (ACHS), Društva povjesničara umjetnosti Hrvatske, te udruge "Bacači Sjenki". Njena posljednja knjiga zove se “Anamnesis – dijalozi umjetnosti u javnim prostorima”, u izdanju UPI2M Books.
Boris Bakal je kazališni/filmski redatelj, glumac, producent, intermedijalni umjetnik, interdisciplinarni javni povjesničar, aktivist i pedagog. Tijekom više od 40 godina karijere stvara kazališne i filmske projekte, predstave, multimedijalne instalacije te pokreće kulturno-socijalno-političke inicijative koje su predstavili i/ili producirali festivali, manifestacije i skupovi u više od 20 zemalja svijeta (između ostalih: Bologna Kulturna prestolnica Europe 2000., Dubrovačke ljetne igre, Praški Quadrienale, Bollwerk Belluard International/Fribourg, Eurokaz/Zagreb, BITEF/Beograd, MESS/Sarajevo, Borštnikovo srečanje/Maribor, Akcent/Prag i INTERFERENCIJE/Cluj, Akademie der Kunste der Welt/Koeln te mnogi drugi) .
Piše, predaje i objavljivljuje tekstove o društvenim prilikama, umjetnosti i kulturnim politikama u zbornicima, časopisima i dnevnicima u Italiji, Hrvatskoj, Njemačkoj, Srbiji, Belgiji, USA, UK i Nizozemskoj. Kao gostujući predavač izlagao i vodio radionice na više univerziteta (ADU/FF/ALU Zagreb, New York, Columbia/NY, Perugia, SACi-Firenca, Leiden, Exeter, Kent, Bangkok, Prague, Helsinki, Kopenhagen, itd.) te na brojnim simpozijima, konferencijama i tribinama.
On je također suosnivač umjetničkih i aktivističkih platformi poput Bacača Sjenki, Orchestra Stolpnik, Letećeg sveučilišta, Antiratne Kampanje Hrvatske te Saveza Operacija Grad. Bacači Sjenki (umjetnička organizacija od 2002, te udruga od 2006) koje vodi od 2001. osvojila su i dobila brojna domaća i međunarodna priznanja i nagrade.
Marko Sančanin, dipl. ing. arh. (Zagreb, 1975.) studirao je političke znanosti i arhitekturu, a diplomirao Arhitekturu na Arhitektonskom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Godine 2000. godine su-osniva Platformu 9,81 i – neprofitnu organizacije koja je istraživala prostorne posljedice kulturne, ekonomske i političke tranzicije i bavila različitim oblicima arhitektonskog i urbano - kulturnog aktivizma. Koautor je brojnih publikacija, tekstova te autor brojnih radijskih emisija na Hrvatskom radiju i kolumni na T-portalu na temu arhitekture, prostornog razvoja i kulture. Od 2012. djeluje kao free-lance arhitekt, umjetnik, kritičar kulture i arhitekture te autor i suradnik na projektima u polju kulture.
Biographies of the Lecturers:
Sandra Uskoković is an art historian, lecturer, writer, and critic. After earning her master’s degree from George Washington University (USA), she completed her PhD at the University of Zagreb. She is the author of several books and about 50 professional and scientific articles on topics such as architecture, heritage, art theory, and performative artistic practices. She has been a grantee of ICCROM (Rome) and UNESCO (2003/2004). She has received international art awards from the Samuel H. Kress Foundation (NY), Getty Trust, and The Graham Foundation for Advanced Studies in the Fine Arts (Chicago). She is an associate professor at the University of Dubrovnik, Department of Art.
She has lectured at numerous international universities (Helsinki, Copenhagen, Manchester, Bangkok, Montreal, New York, Tokyo, Singapore) and symposiums. She is an expert member of ICOMOS’s committee for modern heritage, the international committee of the College of Art Association, the international platform for critical heritage studies (ACHS), the Croatian Art Historians Society, and the “Shadow Casters” association. Her latest book is titled "Anamnesis – Dialogues of Art in Public Spaces," published by UPI2M Books.
Boris Bakal is a theatre/film director, actor, producer, intermedia artist, interdisciplinary public historian, activist, and educator. Over his 40-year career, he has created theatre and film projects, performances, multimedia installations, and initiated cultural-social-political initiatives that have been presented and/or produced at festivals, events, and gatherings in more than 20 countries (including: Bologna European Capital of Culture 2000, Dubrovnik Summer Festival, Prague Quadrennial, Bollwerk Belluard International/Fribourg, Eurokaz/Zagreb, BITEF/Belgrade, MESS/Sarajevo, Borštnikovo Srečanje/Maribor, Akcent/Prague, and INTERFERENCES/Cluj, Akademie der Kunste der Welt/Cologne, among others).
He writes, lectures, and publishes texts about social conditions, art, and cultural policies in anthologies, magazines, and daily newspapers in Italy, Croatia, Germany, Serbia, Belgium, USA, UK, and the Netherlands. As a guest lecturer, he has given lectures and conducted workshops at various universities (ADU/FF/ALU Zagreb, New York, Columbia/NY, Perugia, SACi-Florence, Leiden, Exeter, Kent, Bangkok, Prague, Helsinki, Copenhagen, etc.) as well as at numerous symposiums, conferences, and forums. He is also a co-founder of artistic and activist platforms such as Shadow Casters, Orchestra Stolpnik, the Flying University, the Croatian Anti-War Campaign, and the Operation City Alliance. Shadow Casters (an artistic organization since 2002, and an association since 2006), which he has led since 2001, has received numerous domestic and international awards and recognitions.
Marko Sančanin, , M.Arch. (Zagreb, 1975) studied political science and architecture, graduating from the Faculty of Architecture in Zagreb. In 2000, he co-founded Platform 9,81, a non-profit organization that researched the spatial consequences of cultural, economic, and political transitions, and engaged in various forms of architectural and urban-cultural activism. He is a co-author of numerous publications, texts, and the author of many radio programs on Croatian Radio and columns on T-portal on topics of architecture, spatial development, and culture.
Since 2012, he has been working as a freelance architect, artist, cultural and architectural critic, and as an author and collaborator on projects in the field of culture.
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