COS: Good Practices in Participatory Governance in Culture 1

Written by on 2019-05-25

Shadow Casters are one of the partners in the project “Center for Everyday Design,” led by the Croatian Designers Society (HDD).

As part of the project, numerous preparatory and research activities have been conducted with the goal of creating conditions for the establishment of a new joint institution based on the participatory governance of partner organizations (City of Zagreb, Museum of Arts and Crafts (MUO), ULUPUH, Shadow Casters, and HDD) and users (professionals who implement and create content and the wider public). Among these activities were workshops and discussions with experts in the field.

Here we present the first video interview on good practices in participatory governance in culture with leading authorities on cultural policies and the specific topic of public-civil partnerships in Croatia and beyond — Ana Žuvela, a research assistant in the Department of Culture and Communication at the Institute for Development and International Relations, and Dea Vidović, a cultural manager and director of the ‘Kultura nova’ Foundation.

Filming and editing: Miran Krčadinac Flock
Synopsis and interview: Bojan Mucko
Illustrations: Lucija Ostrogović
Interviewees: Ana Žuvela and Dr. Dea Vidović
Recording date: May 2019

We thank the interviewees for their time, and ULUPUH and the ‘Kultura nova’ Foundation for providing the space.

Zahvaljujemo sugovornicama na ustupljenom vremenu, a ULUPUH-u i Zakladi Kultura nova na prostoru.
