All our relationships are conditioned by our attitude towards death. And fear of death is the measure of all things, all relationships and all problems. Death is the official patron saint of life. And every other fear is just a derivation of the fear of death.
Misogyny is the fear of death in the form of a woman. Homophobia is the fear of death in the form of a homosexual. Heterophobia is the fear of death in the form of a heterosexual person. Agoraphobia is the fear of death in the face of space, and so on.
All these fears are the fear of the other, the different, the unknown, which threatens us, kills us or worse, changes us. It is as if change, in some cases, equals death. Or, maybe we can say that death is just a change.
Without death and fear of it, neither memory, nor acquisition, nor existence, nor inheritance, nor history would make sense, or would make a completely different meaning from the one we know.
In contemplating and accepting death lies the meaning of this work of art, which is the acceptance of something that has inevitably been a part of us from the very beginning. This work of art is a part of the acceptance process.
Autori predstave: Boris Bakal, Leo Vukelić, Vedrana Klepica, Stanko Juzbašić, Ivana Bakal
Dramaturginja: Vedrana Klepica
Kostimi i rekvizita: Ivana Bakal
Scena, video materijali i rekvizita: Leo Vukelić
Zvukovi, glazba i izbor glazbe: Stanko Juzbašić i ostali
Produkcija: Multimedijalna umjetnička organizacija Bacači Sjenki
Koproducent: Kulturno informativni Centar Zagreb (KIC)
Partneri: Zagrebačko kazalište mladih (ZKM)