As part of the two-year project to strengthen civil-public partnerships “SuKultura” (the project is led by the Domino association), Shadow Casters will set up a mobile interpretative center for the city in front of the Center for Culture Novi Zagreb (Trg Narodne zaštite 2) in Remetinec on Saturday, September 5th.
This research in the form of an “open office” will take place in several locations in that part of the city until September 12th, when Shadow Casters, together with the citizens of Zagreb, will perform “The Battle for Zagreb Begins in Remetinec” at 5 PM.
Citizens are invited to share their suggestions, stories, and opinions about the situation in Remetinec and the City of Zagreb. The working hours of the Interpretative Center in Remetinec are daily from 10 AM to 4 PM.
One of the tasks of this mobile interpretative center is to map interest groups that should come together to discuss how to pull the city out of decades of recession and decline. The decadence of Zagreb and the decade-long devastation or selective “sampling” of communal spaces and the city’s overall infrastructure culminated in the COVID-19 pandemic, the devastating earthquake, and unexpected floods, which brought these issues to light. As the old proverb says, “Snow doesn’t fall to cover the hill, but so every beast shows its track.” Following the meaning of this folk wisdom, Shadow Casters aim to map and define the interest groups that want, need, or should have a seat at the table where the future rebuilding of the city, infrastructure improvements, and developments for the benefit of all will be planned and decided.
This research will involve not only the citizens of Zagreb (and not just from Remetinec and its surroundings) but also intermedia and performance artists, sociologists, economists, film and theater directors, choreographers and dancers, activists, and art historians such as Boris Bakal, Marija Georgiev, Leo Vukelić, Sandra Uskoković, Nikolina Komljenović, Tatjana Tihomirović, Milan Žerjav, and others.
Shadow Casters are a multiple award-winning and acclaimed international artistic and production platform for interdisciplinary collaboration, creativity, and the exploration of intermedia arts, successfully intertwining international cooperation, film, theatrical performances, urban intermedia projects, activism, educational work, video art, and curatorial practice into a comprehensive artistic endeavor.
The two-year project “SuKultura” began in October 2018, but its goals are long-term: to strengthen civil-public partnerships through a model of participatory governance in culture. It involves connecting independent associations and organizations operating in the cultural field with relevant city institutions and public cultural establishments, with the aim of revitalizing various cultural-artistic programs in the new Zagreb neighborhoods, as well as for all other interested visitors. The event “Culture for All!” will provide an example of programs designed, implemented, and realized on these foundations: through the joint engagement of all parties involved.
The project is led by the Domino association, with partners including the Center for Culture Novi Zagreb, Gong, the City of Zagreb, the Cultural Center Travno, and the artistic organization Eurokaz.
The project is being realized as part of the call “Culture in the Center – Support for the Development of Public-Civil Partnerships in Culture,” within the Operational Program Efficient Human Resources 2014-2020, European Social Fund, one of the structural funds of the European Union.
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