“Medusa”, a film created at Frooom! in 2021, has been selected for the film lineup at the Leeds Young Film Festival, taking place from November 1st to 17th!
Leeds Young Film Festival presents a carefully curated selection of short films, feature films, and documentaries for young film enthusiasts who want to participate and learn everything about filmmaking! At the Leeds Young Film Festival, they offer a variety of exciting and interactive activities, such as workshops, masterclasses, and hands-on filmmaking experiences. These give young people the opportunity to explore different aspects of film production, develop their skills, and gain a deeper understanding of this art form. Their goal is to inspire young people and nurture a new generation of filmmakers and storytellers!
We are therefore proud that the film made by our Frooom! participants has been selected for this year’s film lineup. The film Medusa was created by participants alongside their mentors at the Frooom! master animation workshop for children and youth in 2021.
Congratulations to our participants who took part in the film: Mirta Baranović, Oskar Bujger, Lena Radošević, Ada Simonetta, Renato Horvat, Jelena Jurić, and Lasta Trupčević.
And to their mentors: Dea Jagić and Hana Matejašić.
In addition to being selected for Leeds, Medusa has also been showcased at other film festivals, such as the Lantern & Light International Children’s FF, Melbourne, Australia (competition program, 2024), BAMkids Film Festival – Young Filmmakers Showcase, New York, USA (special program, 2024), and Psaroloco International Children’s & Young People’s Film Festivals, Piraeus, Greece (competition program, 2023).
Other award-winning animated films from our Frooom! workshops that premiered at the Leeds Young Film Festival in 2021 include Dreams Squared, which was invited to a special international film program in Leeds, and Just an Ordinary Day.