Free CinEd Film Education

Written by on 2021-06-17

We invite all interested teachers, educators, cultural workers, parents… to join us for the introductory education on the CinEd methodology of teaching about and through film!

CinEd is a European film education program aimed at children and young people, providing systematic training for teachers and film educators who work with them. It offers free access to a collection of selected European heritage and arthouse films for educational purposes. Designed for children and young people aged 6 to 18, as well as educators inside and outside the school system, CinEd aims to foster a lasting interest and knowledge of European cinema among young people, enhance their critical thinking and creative sensibility, and contribute to general education by using film, thereby raising awareness of European cultural diversity.

The education sessions will take place as follows:

Zagreb: Date: Saturday, July 3, from 10 am to 4 pm Location: Kino Tuškanac (Tuškanac 1, Zagreb)

Split: Date: Saturday, July 10, from 10 am to 4 pm Location: Kinoteka Zlatna vrata (Dioklecijanova 7, Split)

During the education sessions, participants will learn how to use the platform, which provides access to numerous high-quality European films and pedagogical tools for free. They will also watch one of the films from the collection and engage in a series of creative, practical, and enjoyable activities that can be used when working with children and young people to spark their interest in quality cinema.

After the introductory education, participants can receive mentoring and logistical support in organizing their own film screenings. The education is completely free of charge.

To reserve your spot, please register via this form:

The project partners with Bacači Sjenki include: Associació A Bao A Qu (Spain), Asociace českých filmových klubů – AČFK (Czech Republic), Arte Urbana collectif (Bulgaria), Cinema Arta (Romania), Cinemateca Portuguesa – Museu do Cinema (Portugal), La Cinémathèque Française (France), Contrasens (Romania), Deutsches Filminstitut & Filmmuseum (Germany), Deutsche Filmakademie (Germany), GET Cooperativa sociale (Italy), IhmeFilmi (Finland), Meno Avilys (Lithuania), Mog-Technologie (technological partner – Portugal), and Os Filhos de Lumière – Associação Cultural (Portugal).

The project is co-financed through Creative Europe MEDIA.

Supported by CinEdu in Croatia and Bacači Sjenki: National Foundation for Civil Society Development / Kultura Nova Foundation / Croatian Audiovisual Centre / City of Zagreb / Government Office for Associations of the Republic of Croatia.

For more information, please contact us at or call +385 1 464 02 62.

See you there!
