Film about the film – Zagreb, January 4th, 5 PM

Written by on 2018-12-29

Film about the film – Pogon – Center for Independent Culture and Youth, Mislavova 11

Event Day: Friday, January 4th, 2019. Event Time: 5-8 PM

We invite you to the second thematic film evening of the project “Sky’s the Limit,” whose central theme is the film itself and films about it. We will screen movies that explore cinematic techniques, methods, traps, and tricks, as well as film auteurs, successes, and failures, mainly focusing on imagination, dreams, and creative ethics.

Our intention is to surprise and entertain you, and through discussions about film, to immerse you deeper and deeper into the world of film history, understanding human destinies, and the film profession itself.

The film we will watch this time is a romantic comedy that did not win any Oscars despite being nominated for 2, but has been honored with over 14 prestigious international awards and recognitions. Its director has won 4 Oscars and over 160 important international awards and recognitions. Besides filmmaking, he has another creative passion in which he isn’t the best, but he puts in genuine effort and often shares it to the delight of audiences worldwide. At 83 years old, he is currently preparing his 53rd film, set to be completed by 2020.

This film deals with a historical moment when movies were truly a lifeline for many in the United States of America and elsewhere in the world. At a time when reality was hardly bearable, movies provided happiness, wealth, and society, with happy endings that lasted indefinitely, one after another. It also examines the premise that film characters have no history or context, and their “life” experience is confined to the story they live on screen. Hence, in a “real life” scenario, instead of heroes and heroines, they would become “people with special needs.” Within these borders of magic and uncertain reality, this intriguing story unfolds, which we are eager to share with you. The film we will present is not “Paper Moon,” although we would also like to share that with you sometime.
