Author: Boris
Page: 10
BEGINNINGS OF FILM – CINED EDUCATIONAL WORKSHOP FOR TEACHERS ON USING FILM IN THE CLASSROOM LED BY DIRECTOR EVI KARAGEORGU (SOFIA, BULGARIA) The CinEd program on using film for educational purposes, organized by the Shadow Casters Association, continues with workshops! APPLICATIONS HERE! The educational workshop “Beginnings of Film” for elementary and high school teachers will […]
(Hrvatski) Besplatna kino projekcija u kvartu + razgovor ugodni s Jurajem Lerotićem, Arijanom Lekić Fridrich te Doroteom Šušak.
Teme: odrastanje, film u filmu, iskustvo, pogledi, izmještanja.
(Hrvatski) Mađarska premijera filma “Vitić pleše” 09. ožujka 2024.
Sorry, this entry is only available in Hrvatski.
Transformations of the City – Movie Afternoon – February 24, 2024. MO “Matko Laginja”, M. Laginje St. 11. [urboglyphs [Lat. urbs = city] + [Gr. glyphē = engraving] are symbolic and spatial accumulations of signs and meanings created by multilayered inscription of various events in the same place, through which we read the urban collective […]
(Hrvatski) Zimska Frooom! filmska škola Bacača sjenki vozi paralel slalom između Rijeke i Zagreba od 19. do 23. veljače, a priča se i engleski, šta da?
Budite spremni na sve ludosti početnih, naprednih i majstorskih radionica. Ako ste brzi stignete na sve!